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Brow Lift Procedure

Little Rock Oculoplastic & Facial Cosmetic Surgeon

Overview of the Brow Lift Procedure

The brow lift is one of the most useful oculoplastic and facial cosmetic procedures available. Many surgeons may treat a patient only with a blepharoplasty, because it is less time consuming and technically easier, when in fact the patient would benefit functionally and cosmetically from a brow lift as well. The patient and surgeon are then surprised to be disappointed in the improvement of the blepharoplasty alone when a brow lift was indicated. Additionally, many surgeons limit their brow lifts to one or two approaches only.

Dr. Brock knows that every patient is unique. That is why he is well-versed and experienced in all approaches to the brow. These different approaches include a coronal approach, trichophytic approach, endoscopic approach, temporal approach only, or a direct approach to name the most common.


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  • Brow Lift Before and After Little Rock
  • Brow Lift Before and After Little Rock
  • Brow Lift Before and After Little Rock


Brow Lift Candidates

The patients who are the best candidates for a brow lift have a well-defined hairline and normally thick hair. Some patients with thin hair will also be good candidates depending on their density and color of hair as well as other features. And there remain some effective options for those with absence of hair.

Your Brow Lift Consultation

During their brow lift consultation, patients will be asked about their goals regarding the procedure and what they expect from it. They will also be asked if they have any pre-existing health conditions or are undergoing other treatments.

Patients will be made aware of the steps involved, including aftercare directions. Any concerns regarding the procedure can be directed to Dr. Brock at this time.


Browlift Types

Endoscopic Browlift

An endoscopic approach is typically performed with five incisions behind the hairline—one is placed in the sagittal plane, two are placed to either side in the parasagittal plane and two are placed temporally. Dr. Brock routinely uses this approach for patients with a low to average forehead height. Because this procedure can raise the hairline, he is less inclined to recommend it to someone with a high forehead. Although a coronal approach can be considered in a select number of patients, it is rarely selected because the endoscopic lift can lift the brow as effectively with a lower risk of numbness of the posterior scalp.

Trichophytic Browlift

A trichophytic approach is a good choice for patients with a high forehead. This approach actually can lower a high forehead for many patients and does not risk raising the forehead further. The more common risks with this approach are irreversible numbness or a visible incision.

Temporal Browlift

A temporal approach is a good choice for patients who have temporal brow ptosis (ie drooping of the tail of the brow) and do not have the hair density necessary to hide the incisions of an endoscopic or trichophytic approach. This involves making excisions over both temples behind the hairline and suspending the lateral brow higher.

browlift stock

Direct Browlift

A direct approach is a very powerful technique to raise the brow This approach is performed by making excision of skin directly above and adjacent to the brow. Because the scar is visible, Dr. Brock usually reserves this approach only for male patients who have moderate to severe brow ptosis obstructing their vision, very deep brow and forehead rhytides, and very little concern of a noticeable incision.

Dr. Brock performs the endoscopic, trichophytic, and temporal approaches under general anesthesia. The direct approach is usually performed under sedation and/or local anesthetic.

Brow Lift Aftercare

Following the forehead lift procedure, patients will be advised not to consume alcohol or take anti-inflammatory medications for 48 hours. A degree of post-surgical bruising and swelling will be present during recovery and will fade in time. Numbness in areas of the scalp is very common, and most cases resolve over the next several weeks to months.

Heavy lifting will be prohibited, along with other vigorous physical activities, for the first two weeks. Gentle walks and stretching are recommended since they help improve blood circulation to speed up the recovery period. Any vigorous activity can typically resume after three weeks.

Brow Lift Cost

The cost of a brow lift procedure will depend on several factors. The extent of the procedure can affect the overall price, as can the techniques used, the anesthesia type, and the time needed to perform the surgery.

Contact Us

Patients can contact Dr. Wade Brock if they want to find out more about undergoing a brow lift in Little Rock. Scheduling a consultation will help patients prepare for the procedure.

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In The Media

Dr. Brock discusses a brow lift and blepharoplasty on Good Morning Arkansas.


Thank you, Dr. Brock, to you and your staff, for making me feel like your only patient.


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